reversal.dogi.design.works. founded in 1932, Isami Trading Co., Ltd. is one of the most major martial arts supply manufacturers in Japan. Especially, Jiu-Jitsu Gi and Karate Gi have been well-known as high-quality products made in Japan.

Isami has started a new attempt to expand their business since 2000, which is establishing martial arts clothing brand reversal.dogi.design.works called "reversal" or "rvddw" for short. Showing sporty street style looks, the products of reversal are based on the experience and design expertise of Isami.

Since inception, the brand has gained a reputation for combining an element of MMA kimonos with street fashion clothing.

reversal’s line of products includes Apparel and Athletic for both men and women, which have drawn attention to a variety of athletes and artists all across Japan.


reversal.dogi.design.works.  簡稱 rvddw 是一個來自日本的格門時尚服裝品牌,其母公司為日本最大武術用品及道服生產商 Isami,而Isami是成立於1932年,已經有接近90年歷史。

reversal 成立於 2000 年,主要分為兩條生產線,分別為 1)格鬥運動服飾,2)時尚潮流服飾,由於品牌服飾引用日本知名設計師主理,而且質料上乘,品牌於短時間內已經風靡日本格鬥界及潮流界,並且成為日本No.1 格鬥運動服飾品牌直到今天!
reversal Hong Kong負責人 Yung 本為MMA 教練及拳證,因一早已經心儀 reversal 此品牌並基於在格鬥界別的連繫,有緣於早幾年與 reversal CEO於東京會面並成功取得授權在香港推廣並發展 reversal 品牌業務,除設立網上商店外並經過數年品牌推廣發展,最近決定坐落於旺角「波鞋街」嶄新運動主題購物中心「The Forest」開設除東京原宿總店外第一間、並且是海外唯一一間 reversal 專門店,希望籍此能將 reversal 高質素服飾更有效推廣至香港潮流界及運動/格鬥界同好!

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